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03 July 2008

Run Melbourne 2008

Yours truly ran the half marathon event again this year. I was disappointed with my time, which at 1:44 was about 4 minutes slower than a year ago. This is however additional motivation to get fitter and improve!

In the adjoining picture I am running past St Paul's cathedral opposite Federation Square on the second lap around the city and surrounding parks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahoj Martine.Zdravíme tě z Prahy,doufáme,že cesta domů ti rychle uběhla a vše dopadlo fajn.tady v Praze už není sníh a je pěkné teplo.Ale u Vás je velké teplo.Děkujem za návštěvu a příště se těšíme znova!!!Pozdrav i Pearle!!Bay.....Jarda a Jitka